Call for original research abstracts
Invited speakers:
ECU2024 – Instructions invited speakers
Oral abstract presenters:
ECU2024 – Instructions oral abstract presenters
Poster presenters:
ECU2024 – Instructions POSTER PRESENTERS
ECU2024 – Poster (board) numbers
The ECCRE and The European Academy of Chiropractic (EAC) welcomes the submission of abstracts for original research papers for presentation during the ECU2024 Convention. There are two research prizes:
1. The ECCRE Best Presented Research Award
2. The ECCRE Young Researcher of the Year Award
The two prizes and guidelines are presented here:
The ECCRE Best Presented Research Award (EUR 3,500)
This prize will be assigned to a researcher who has submitted an original abstract to the ECU Convention in a given year. It will be with a focus on the presentation performance on research projects of an excellent quality.
The Advisory Academic Committee (AAC) will evaluate the original research abstracts and the presentation at the conference.
The ECCRE Young Researcher of the Year Award (EUR 2,000)
This prize will be assigned to a young researcher, who has submitted an abstract to the ECU conference at a given year. There will be a focus on a person, who is an early career researcher with a talent and a dedication to pursue a full-time research career within the chiropractic profession. The research should be of excellent quality
Criteria to be named young researcher:
- Not necessarily followed a formal research career, produced less than 10 peer reviewed articles
- Maximum 3 years after having been assigned the PhD degree (shall be documented)
- Has a goal of working as a full-time researcher
The AAC will evaluate the original research abstracts done by young researchers at the Convention.
Before entering the online abstract submission system, please carefully read the guidelines below.
15 November 2023 | Abstract submission opens online |
21 January 2024 23:59:59 CET |
EXTENDED deadline for poster abstract submission |
on or around 22 February 2024 | Notifications of acceptance on-time abstracts |
31 March 2024 | Deadline early registration fee 23:59:59 CEST |
30 April 2024 | Deadline regular registration fee 23:59:59 CEST |
Thu 9 – Sat 11 May 2024 | ECU2024 Convention |
Important! All accepted abstract presenters must register by 15 March 2024. Payment should be received by the early registration fee deadline of 31 March 2024. Lack of registration and payment will result in removal from the ECU2024 programme.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts describing their original research in the general topic areas:
- Basic Science (e.g., biomechanics, physiology, animal studies)
- Clinical Studies (e.g., clinical trials, experimental clinical research, observational clinical research)
- Educational (e.g., teaching methods, studies of classroom educational methods, knowledge translation research)
- Literature reviews (e.g., narrative, systematic and meta-analysis)
- Cases (e.g., report of single or multiple patient cases)
- Other (e.g., population studies, health services, epidemiology, cost analysis, policy studies, practice analysis, etc.)
Please note: Invited speakers are requested to select ‘Invited speakers – no review’, as mentioned in the online abstract form. All other abstracts should be submitted in one of the above-mentioned categories.
The ECCRE makes the final selection of abstracts to be included in the Convention programme. Accepted papers will be divided into two categories:
- Research Presentation – Oral Presentation of 10 minutes including discussion time presented in one of the parallel sessions.
- Poster presentation
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- The size of the abstract is limited to 500 words, excluding references.
- The submission programme will automatically calculate the size of your abstract and will not allow submissions that do not fit the size requirements.
- Do NOT mention the authors and affiliations in the abstract. You will be asked to fill in these details separately.
- The title should be start with a capital, followed by lower case. Maximum length 20 words, it should clearly define the topic. Do NOT identify your institution in the title. Do NOT put a full stop after the title.
- Abstract contents: Abstracts submitted for presentation are required to use the following four sections:
- Objectives (includes the background and study purpose)
- Methods (includes the study design, setting, methods)
- Results (includes the main findings)
- Conclusion (primary conclusions based upon study findings that relate directly to the study purpose)
- References are allowed but not more than 5 key references. Please do NOT add the references under the abstract text itself; references should be mentioned in a separate field in the online abstract submission module. Maximum number of words for references: 150.
- Abstracts should not include figures, tables or diagrams, and images
- Use Calibri font .11, do NOT use symbols or alternative fonts.
- Do NOT type your abstract in bold or italic.
- Do NOT type the abstract text in capital letters. Use upper and lower case.
- For a sample and the abstract template click here. Please use this template to prepare your abstract text, then copy and paste the text into the online abstract submission system.
- Authors are responsible for checking for accuracy at the time of submission. Abstracts will be published as submitted by the corresponding author. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific fact in the abstract text will be reproduced as typed by the author.
- Authors may submit a maximum of two abstracts as presenting author but can be mentioned as a co-author of other papers.
- Attendance: All accepted abstract presenters must register before 15 March. Payment should be received by the early registration fee deadline of 31 March 2024. Lack of registration and payment will result in removal from the ECU20242 programme.
- Commitment to register and attend: If an abstract is accepted, it is expected that an author will register and attend the Convention. In line with the ECU Convention policy; fee, honorarium or expense payment will not be provided for the presenters.
- Authorship: Only authors who meet ICMJE www.icmorg criteria should be listed as authors.
- Eligibility: An abstract of original research is eligible for acceptance if it has been presented at another meeting, but not if it has been published, or accepted for publication, by the abstract submission deadline (15 January). Submissions must not duplicate work that any of the authors have published elsewhere. Studies involving human subjects (clinical trials, pilot studies, biomechanics studies, retrospective reviews, cohort studies, and surveys) or animals, must have IRB/ethics board approval granted or exemption as determined by the author’s institution.
- Submission Deadline: Only abstracts submitted through the ECU2024 Convention website by the abstract submission deadline will be considered for presentation at the Convention.
- Terms of Use: By accessing and/or using the online submission system you agree (also on behalf of co-authors) to all the terms of the abstract submission guidelines and instructions as mentioned on this webpage. Please note that transfer of copyright applies to all material submitted through this online system
The personal information supplied in connection with the abstract submission will be held by the ECU as a record of attendees and parties expressing interest in the ECU2024 Convention. By submitting an abstract for this Conference the parties concerned are agreeing that the ECU may:
- use that personal information to contact them by email, direct mail or telephone, in order to supply information relevant to this Convention and future ECU Conventions;
- use that personal information to be included in the relevant Convention documentation, such as an abstract book, online and/or printed scientific programme and Book of Proceedings, abstract (oral and poster) overviews and dedicated congress app.
Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the ECU2024 Convention. Accepted abstracts can be published in one of the following publications:
- ECU Book of Proceedings, available during the Convention
- Online publication Chiropractic and Manual Therapies (C&MT)*
- As a supplement of BACKspace, magazine of the ECU
*You may refuse to have your abstract published in C&MT. If you wish to refuse, please send a request to the ECU Convention Organiser, Babette Schmidt, b.schmidt@yourconferencesupport.com. Your request will be routed through to the appropriate person.
The Review committee will determine which accepted abstracts will be presented as poster or platform.
Reviewers will give rankings from 1 to 5 points, taking into consideration the following five criteria:
- Relevance of the subject/originality
- Impact on the profession
- Relevance/value of the results
- Appropriateness of interpretation
- Study design/scientific value
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the submitting (corresponding) author on or before 15 February 2024. Please note that only the corresponding author will receive mail concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract. Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive instructions for the presentation of their abstract.
Abstract submission is closed.
Invited speakers have received the direct link to the submission system.
The Convention Organiser, Your Conference Support, has assigned Parthen to process the abstracts and registrations for this Convention. Please contact them directly if you need assistance with the abstract submission process:
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
e-mail: registration@parthen.nl
phone: +31 20 572 73 01
If you have any questions about the scientific content for abstracts or the review process, please email to the Convention organisers at b.schmidt@yourconferencesupport.com. Your email will be routed through to the appropriate person to answer your question.